Create your own personalised picture calendars with this free self configurable year 2005 calendar and diary software. Just provide your own pictures in jpg, gif or bmp format files. New video calendar can get still images from mpeg video files.
Key Features
* Configurable for new calendar picture once a month to every day.
* Diary page behind each calendar date.
* Ten programmable Calendar Events with event time and text page for each day.
* On Screen Calendar message reminder service for important diary events.
* Network support to link with other users diary's.
* Sounds, music and video reminders.
* Printer support for printing your personalised calendar with your own marked up events.
* Built in CD and video player.
* Msagent support for character agent text to speech system.
* Modem support for remote message reminder service.
* Auto update system for daily, weekly, monthly and annual calendar events.
* 32000 year look forward, look back calendar facility.
* Calendar text colour coding for current day and event filled days.
* Calendar / diary event hide facility.
* Retain picture Aspect ratio or fill page button.
* Start calendar on boot up button.
* Calendar / diary format files button.